Biblical Worldview

What does it mean to have a biblical worldview (also known as Biblical Theism and Christian Theism)?

If your predominant worldview is the the biblical worldview, this means that your beliefs about things such as God, sin, salvation, faith, and death align with the teachings of the Bible. While having a correct biblical theology is important, merely having knowledge about a biblical worldview is not enough. It must be integrated completely into the life of a Christ follower. If you are operating with a biblical worldview, your beliefs should shape and guide your behavior in a way consistent with biblical truth.

How does one live out their Christian faith through every aspect of their life? It starts by recognizing life’s purpose for a follower of Christ. For someone with a Biblical Worldview, there are two main parts to this. The first is the universal purpose for every Christ follower, which is to know, love, and serve God. The second is to live out the individual purpose that God has planned for you. While following God’s plan is often challenging, it is important to remember that God is in control, and we should follow God wherever He leads us. Even if your career is secular, God has a purpose for placing you there.

The biblical worldview is built on fundamental biblical principles. For instance, we believe that there is one God who is the all-knowing, all-powerful, personal, and just Creator of the universe. God is present in three persons, also known as the Trinity, which is made up of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testament that reveals truth to Christians.

According to the Biblical Worldview, the world came into existence through one miraculous act of creation as described in the Bible. The world was spoken into existence by God and was created from nothing (ex nihilo). God created human beings in His image (imago Dei) and we are given free will. Because humans are made in the image of God, we possess characteristics such as intelligence, morality, creativity, free will, and more. Humans have the capacity to know God in an intimate way and develop a personal relationship with God. This is done through prayer, reading the Bible and the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Salvation is dependent on the freewill decision to choose to believe in God and Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ died on the cross as a perfect sacrifice to atone for mankind’s sins, humans are offered the gift of salvation. Salvation is attainable through a personal confession of sins along with the profession that Jesus Christ alone is Lord and Savior. After death, those who have attained salvation will live in Heaven for the rest of eternity, while those who have rejected God will suffer in Hell for the rest of eternity.

No matter the salvation status, everyone experiences temptation to sin as the result of Original Sin. While sinning does not revoke salvation once it is received, it is still harmful. Abiding by a Biblical Worldview requires us to take up the cross and resist temptation. Christ followers should be held to a higher standard in their personal lives than non-Christ followers. Christ followers are called to be different from the rest of the world.

While we know that good works do not earn salvation, we are called to serve God and those around us. Loving others is God’s greatest commandment, and we should be utilizing our resources to aid those in need. Whether this be through donations, volunteering for non-profit organizations, or other charitable deeds, it is important that we love our neighbors and serve them well. This also means that Christ followers should always treat others with kindness, respect, and love. In moments of weakness where Christ followers are quick to anger or judgment, others can adopt a negative view of Christ followers, overall is damaging to the faith. If Christians do not live with a Biblical Worldview integrated throughout their daily lives, they are doing a disservice to Christ’s Kingdom. Your worldview shapes and guides your beliefs and behaviors. Having a biblical worldview means to think and act like Jesus.