Welcome to Arizona Christian University's

Worldview Assessment for 4th Graders.

Thank you for participating in the ACU Worldview Assessment – 4th Grade Edition.

  • Please do not start answering the survey until your teacher tells you to start.
  • Please read all of each question and give one answer for each question. Each question offers several answers to choose from. Please choose the answer that comes closest to what you, personally, believe or do, not what you think might be the “right” answer, or what others might expect you to say.
  • If you are not sure what answer to pick, take your best guess or pick the “not sure” answer.
  • If you have any technology problems with the survey, raise your hand and tell your teacher. However, your teacher cannot discuss questions with you or other students, and has been instructed not to explain words, phrases, or questions to you. Just do your best to answer each question honestly.
  • When you are done, please wait quietly until all of your classmates are finished.