About Dr. Barna

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, as well as a professor at the University. He co-founded the Cultural Research Center in 2020 with the goals of expanding biblical worldview in the United States and helping Arizona Christian University become America’s Premier Worldview University.

Considered the nation’s leading worldview researcher, Dr. Barna brings more than 40 years of research experience, including more than 30 years measuring worldview in America, to the creation of the Arizona Christian University Worldview Assessment.

Passionately committed to expanding the biblical worldview in our nation, Dr. Barna developed the Arizona Christian University Worldview Assessment with the goal of helping Americans recognize, understand, and strengthen their worldview.

Author of 60 books, including award-winning books and New York Times and Amazon bestsellers, Dr. Barna has sold more books based on survey research regarding matters of faith than any author in American history. His most recent bestseller, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul (2023), focuses on increasing the biblical worldview among the next generation of children. He makes hundreds of national media appearances each year, sharing his research findings and challenging audiences to strengthen their biblical worldview and share it with others.

In addition to his current role at the Cultural Research Center, Dr. Barna serves as the Senior Research Fellow for the Center for Biblical Worldview at the Family Research Council. He was the founder of the Barna Group (which he sold in 2009), the American Culture and Faith Institute, and Metaformation. He previously taught at several universities and seminaries served as the teaching pastor of a large, multi-ethnic church; pastor of a house church; an elder in four congregations; and has helped to start several churches.

Dr. Barna graduated summa cum laude from Boston College, earned two master’s degrees from Rutgers University, and received a doctorate from Dallas Baptist University.

Research Projects

Dr. Barna designs and conducts numerous research projects for the Cultural Research Center. His research is available on the CRC website.

The American Worldview Inventory, CRC’s national survey of the worldview of American adults, conducted annually since 2020.

The Arizona Christian University Student Worldview Inventory, designed to measure the worldview of the University’s students during their academic career, freshman year through graduation.

The America’s Values Study: A National Survey of Core Values in the United States 2022

Millennials in America: New Insights into the Generation of Growing Influence (2022), a landmark study looking at the heart, mind, and soul of the Millennial Generation.

Adoption and Its Competitors in American Society: Results of a National Survey Regarding Adoption in the United States in 2022
Election Surveys (2020, 2022, ongoing)

Other research projects at the intersection of faith and culture

Books by Dr. George Barna

New Books

  • Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul (2023)

Bestselling Books

  • Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church’s #1 Priority (2003, 2016)
  • Pagan Christianity? Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices (2002, 2008, 2021)
  • The Cause Within You: Finding the One Great Thing You Were Created to Do (2011)
  • Revolutionary Parenting: What the Research Shows Really Works (2007)
  • Revolution (2005)
  • A Fish Out of Water: 9 Strategies to Maximize Your God-Given Leadership Potential (2002)
  • The Habits of Highly Effective Churches (1999)
  • Leaders on Leadership (1997)
  • Evangelism That Works: How to Reach Changing Generations with the Unchanging Gospel (1995)
  • The Power of Vision: Discover and Apply God’s Plan for Your Life and Ministry (1992)
  • User Friendly Churches: What Christians Need to Know about the Churches People Love to Go To (1991)
  • The Frog in the Kettle: What Christians Need to Know About Life in the 21stCentury (1990)

Other Influential Books

  • American Worldview Inventory Reports (2020-2022)
  • The Day Christians Changed America (2017)
  • America at the Crossroads: Explosive Trends Shaping America’s Future (2016)
  • U-Turn: Restoring America to the Strength of Its Roots (2014)
  • Maximum Faith: Live Like Jesus (2013)
  • Futurecast: What Today’s Trends Mean for Tomorrow’s World (2011)
  • The Seven Faith Tribes: Who They Are, What They Believe, and Why They Matter (2009)
  • Master Leaders (2009)
  • Think Like Jesus: Make the Right Decision Every Time (2005)
  • The Power of Team Leadership: Finding Strength in Shared Responsibility (2001)
  • Growing True Disciples: New Strategies for Producing Genuine Followers of Christ (2001)
  • The Second Coming of the Church: A Blueprint for Survival (1998)
  • The Future of the American Family (1993)


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